Bystřice pod Hostýnem

A town where my first comics workshop took place.

For a context – I’m currently (2016/04) drawing 2 longer comics projects. Working title of the first one is St. Barbara, the second is called Honza.

Honza is about a boy raised by a system of Czech orphanages. The comics book is developed as one part of the Voices of Endangered Children trilogy. The trilogy is prepared by the Ašta šmé group – Markéta Hajská, Máša Bořkovcová and Vojtěch Mašek – in collaboration with a few artists – currently Lela Geislerová, Fany Loubat and me.

My workshop was (together with a discussion in a local orphanage and a vernissage in the Shop Window gallery) one of the events organized by Markéta, Máša and Michal Ďorď (currently a member of a committee for child’s rights and also a main character of one of the comics books) for Bystřice in collaboration with a local beautification and entertainment club as a first presentation of our theme and comics.

Small creatures from the local elementary art school took part in the workshop. And all of them knew how to draw comics already.

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